Aproximación crítica discursiva a los rescates del Aquarius y el Open Arms en una muestra de la prensa española

  1. María Martínez Lirola
Discurso & Sociedad

ISSN: 1887-4606

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 15

Issue: 2

Pages: 383-407

Type: Article

More publications in: Discurso & Sociedad


The arrival of immigrants to Spain is a recurring theme in the press. This article will analyze the main discursive characteristics that are observed in a sample of the Spanish press to narrate the rescue and reception of the Aquarius ship in 2018 and the Open Arms ship in 2019. The analysis will allow us to observe, on the one hand, the main characteristics of both speeches and, on the other hand, the lexical similarities and differences between them and their relations with the political-social context in Spain. Following the tradition of critical discourse analysis, the methodology is fundamentally qualitative-descriptive. The examples analyzed show that the Aquarius' discourse is characterized by praising the welcome and solidarity of Spain and the rescue is linked to the defense of immigrants’ human rights from the moment Spain decides to welcome them. However, reproach speech between the government and the founder of the Open Arms predominates in the speech related to the Open Arms. Only when the Audaz ship goes to rescue some of the immigrants in the Open Arms, there are references to human rights and to the solidarity of Spain, a fact that contrasts with Aquarius.

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