Los Alpujárrides al Sur de Sierra Nevadauna revisión de su estructura

  1. Antonio Estévez Rubio
  2. Francisco Delgado Salazar
  3. Carlos Sanz de Galdeano
  4. Agustín Martín Algarra
Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Geológicos

ISSN: 0212-4300

Année de publication: 1985

Número: 4

Pages: 5-32

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Geológicos


A new interpretation about the Alpujarride Complex nappe structure South of Sierra Nevada is presented. Previous studies of the general stratigraphic series of Sierra de Lújar as well as later detailed mapping of this Sierra and its sorrounding areas lead to the conclusion that, to the South of Sierra Nevada, the Alpujarride Complex is constituted from the bottom to the top by the following nappes: Lújar, Murtas and Adra. The Lújar nappe embraces two tectonic units, the lower being the Pelaos unit, which occupies nearly the whole of Sierra de Lújar, and the upper being the Escalate unit. The carbonatic and metapelitic formations of the Pelaos unit show interfingerings, like the one of Sierra de la Joya. They originated from synmetamorphic N150E striking overturned folds facing approximately to the N60E. Subsequentely these folds were deformed by a later N30-40E folding phase. The latter may be genetically related to the individualization of nappes and their displacement to the NW in this area, where the Escalate unit root zone is recognizable to the SE of Sierra de Lújar. Neither the carbonate rocks of Sierra de la Joya nor those cropping out in the Rambla de Alcázar can be considered, in the sense of previous authors, as belonging to tectonic windows of the «Lújar nappe» below the «Alcázar nappe», but as inset shaped exposures wedging out laterally and showing rather steep transitional contacts with the surrounding metapelites. The «Cástaras nappe» has properly no entity. The outcrops attributed to this supposed nappe must be included in the Pelaos unit, which occupies everywhere the lowermost position in the nappe pile. Thus the referred unit enlarges its geographical extension in comparison with that admitted for the «Lújar nappe» by prior authors in the most recent available maps and papers. For the «Alcázar nappe» we propose the more suitable name of Escalate unit for the two following reasons: a) it deals with a tectonic element of less importance, related, even if it keeps its own individuality, to the rest of the Lújar nappe; b) the village of Alcázar, although close to the root zone of that «nappe», is located on phyllites and quartzites clearly belonging to the Pelaos unit or lower unit of the Lújar nappe. Geographic representation of the Escalate unit is smaller than the so called «Alcázar nappe», as a part of the rocks attributed to the latter belongs actually to the Pelaos unit. The Murtas and Adra nappes, consisting of metamorphic rocks of higher degree, possess an obvious individuality with respect of the Lújar ensemble. The overriding of the Murtas nappe is associated with the development of a duplex in the Lújar nappe and a strong thinning of the Escalate unit, so that the fore may rest directly upon rocks of the Pelaos unit. A late fracturing phase is superimposed to the nappe structure. The fault pattern has controlled the settling of neogene basins as well as the main features of the present relief. Thus the original contacts and relationships between the different nappes may appear partially or wholly concealed or obliterated in many places.

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