El cabalgamiento Finiserravallense del Norte de Sierra Arana (Cordillera Bética)observaciones sobre la caracterización bioestratigráfica del Serravallense

  1. Antonio Estévez Rubio
  2. J.M. González-Donoso
  3. Dolores Linares
  4. Agustín Martín Algarra
  5. Carlos Sanz de Galdeano
  6. Francisco Serrano Lozano
Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Geológicos

ISSN: 0212-4300

Year of publication: 1984

Issue: 3

Pages: 151-173

Type: Article

More publications in: Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Geológicos


In the northern part of Sierra Arana several tectonic windows have been recognized. Serravallian marls and upper Langhian - lower Serravallian calcarenites are overthrusted by dolomites with basic subvolcanic rocks interbedded in their lower part. The allochtonous rocks must belong to the Sierra Arana unit, or to some other unit' directly connected with it, even if no stratigrafic continuity between them can be ascertained because of an important strike-slip fault bordering the northern foot of the Sierra Arana massif. Tectonic superposition has an amplitude of 2'5 Km. or more and took place during the upper Serravallian or the lowermost Tortonian.

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