Los hoteles y los restaurantes españoles ante la Covid-19

  1. Mazón Martínez, Tomás 1
  1. 1 Departamento de Sociología I. Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Turísticas 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig. Alicante
Gran Tour

ISSN: 2172-8690

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 23

Pages: 103-122

Type: Article

More publications in: Gran Tour


Tourism is one of the most important economic sectors in the world, employing one in ten people worldwide and providing work for hundreds of millions more (UNWTO, 2020). And in Spain its importance is vital. It is the second receiving country for tourists (UNWTO, 2019). With the arrival of Covid-19, the global tourism industry is suffering unimaginable consequences a few weeks before its appearance. The arrival of this pandemic has meant that tourism, in all its aspects, has disappeared in this country, to the point that vital and bustling cities thanks to tourism are currently deserted. The objective of this article is to make known the opinions of managers and professionals of hotels and restaurants throughout Spain on this anomalous situation that, according to forecasts, will completely alter tourism as it has been developing until now.

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