Política industrial y política de competencia. Ayudas estatales y reestructuración de la industria europea del acero en los años 80

  1. Miguel Ángel Sáez-García
  2. Pablo Díaz-Morlán
Revista de historia industrial

ISSN: 1132-7200

Año de publicación: 2021

Número: 82

Páginas: 163-192

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Revista de historia industrial


A partir de fuentes primarias procedentes de los Archivos Históricos de la Unión Europea, el artículo evalúa los resultados de la reestructuración del sector del acero en la Comunidad Económica Europea, llevada a cabo a principios de los años ochenta y que es considerada como la primera política industrial comunitaria. El artículo concluye que el control de las ayudas públicas por parte de la Comisión Europea, a través de los denominados códigos de ayudas, constituyó el principal instrumento de la política de reestructuración comunitaria y que contribuyó decisivamente a resolver las crisis que el sector venía sufriendo desde mediados de los años setenta, a pesar de que los objetivos establecidos por la Comisión no fueron alcanzados plenamente.

Información de financiación

The problem was that, as stated above, specific aid to the steel industry was prohibited by the ECSC Treaty, which, only in very exceptional situations, allowed a Member State to grant aid to its undertakings under Community supervision, in accordance with Article 67(2) of the Treaty. The Commission considered that the legal coverage provided by that article was limited in scope and lacked flexibility to adapt it to a restructuring plan for the sector. For this reason, the Commission recurred to Article 95 of the ECSC, “to ensure that actions taken under reserved powers are compatible with the common interest and to authorize aids and subsidies that would otherwise be prohibited by Article 4(c) of the Treaty”.40 With this legal base, in May 1978, the Commission created norms to regulate all state aid to the European steel industry. The use of Article 95 was of an exceptional nature and provided the Commission with decision-making powers that are not provided for other industrial sectors in the Treaty. For this reason, the measures proposed by the Commission required broad support from the Council, the agreement of the Court of Justice, and the support of a qualified majority of the European Parliament.41The proposal won the support of the ECSC Consultative Committee and Parliament, but met with opposition from the British and Italian Governments at Council meetings on 18 and 19 December. The Commission amended its proposal and presented a new draft, in January 1979, with less ambitious objectives: it covered only specific aid and left out those provided through general or regional schemes; the duration of the agreement was limited to a period of less than two years, as opposed to the three years foreseen in the previous draft, and the Commission’s powers to act against Member States in breach of the aid code were restricted.42


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