¿Influye la crisis económica en la calidad de vida de los profesionales de enfermería?

  1. Abouzeid Abouzeid, Ghada Khalil
Supervised by:
  1. María José López Director
  2. Laura Martínez Alarcón Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 21 November 2018

  1. Loreto Maciá Soler Chair
  2. Ana Myriam Seva Llor Secretary
  3. Víctor Manuel González Chordá Committee member

Type: Thesis


The main objective of this study is to measure the impact of the economic crisis on the quality of working life of the nursing professionals of a regional hospital in the Region of Murcia and analyze whether there is an association between economic crisis, quality of work life and quality of the sleep of the worker conditioned with said crisis. Methodology A documentary study on quality of life in general and nursing professionals in particular, related to the economic crisis. After a literature review on quality of life measurement instruments and previous documentary analysis, a descriptive, observational, quantitative, concurrent, cross-sectional field work on quality of life was carried out on a sample of nursing professionals from the hospital field (N = 240). The CVP-35 questionnaire (Cabezas, 2000) is used to measure the quality of life of nursing professionals. In order to assess the impact of the economic crisis on the quality of life of nursing professionals both at work and in personal life, we proceed to prepare a questionnaire that is validated and adapted to our environment. To measure the impact of work on rest and worker's life, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (Murray, 1991) is used in the version adapted by Ferrer, Vilagut, Monasterio et al (1999). Conclusions Nursing professionals indicate high satisfaction with their quality of work life in general. In the dimension of workloads, the stress and overexertion that the worker must perform in order to reach the objectives with the desired quality is appreciated. The managerial support has not been, until now, an appropriate stimulus for them to develop their ideas and suggest changes. In terms of intrinsic motivation, family and peer support has been very useful in the life of the worker. Continuing education is a need claimed by the nursing professional for their growth and development. The economic crisis and its consequences condition the quality of work and family life of the professional, with an impact on the provision of quality care in the performance of their work, unlike the few problems that arise in relation to sleep disorders that suffer the components of the sample.