El método de proyectos y las inteligencias múltiples en la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales en educación infantil

  1. Corral Herrerias, Maria Isabel
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Pedro Miralles Martínez Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Carmen Ferrándiz García Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 14 von Juli von 2017

  1. María Rosario Bermejo García Präsidentin
  2. José María Cuenca López Sekretär/in
  3. María Pilar Rivero Gracia Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The main objective of this thesis is to study the effectiveness of the methodology by projects together with the theory of multiple intelligences for the development of attitudes, skills and knowledge of social sciences in the third level of Early Childhood Education. This in turn is divided into four specific objectives. First, to verify the existence of differences in the development of creative abilities according to the group (control or experimental). Secondly, to study the existence of differences in the degree of acquisition of skills, skills and knowledge of the third level curriculum of Child Education, according to the type of methodology used, teaching through a project with multiple intelligences (experimental group) and traditional (control group). Third, to study the relationship between intelligence valued from a psychometric perspective and between intelligence in the Gardner model. Fourth, analyze the perception of teachers and families about the multiple intelligences of the participants before and after the intervention program. The sample of participants is formed by 41 students of third level of second cycle of Infantile Education belonging to a center of the Region of Murcia, with 5 years of average age (DT = .00). For the application of the program the sample of participants was divided in two groups, the control formed by 22 students who follow the traditional textbook and the experimental group composed of 19 students and carry out the project "We are artists". To carry out this research is used a semiexperimental design of groups not equivalent with pretest-postest. In the development of the project "We are artists" has taken into account the history of art in Child Education, linking the social sciences with multiple intelligences. In this sense, a painter (Van Gogh), a sculptor (Cristóbal Gabarrón), an architect (Ming Pei) and a trip to the past, to the prehistoric and Egyptian paintings and cultures have been chosen. The instruments used in this research for pretest are: the multiple intelligence questionnaire for parents (Ferrándiz, 2004) adapted from Armstrong (1997), so that families evaluate the different intelligences of their children; The inventory of multiple intelligences for teachers (Prieto and Ballester, 2003); The BADyG (Battery of Differential and General Aptitudes) (Yuste, review 2011); The TCI: Infant Creativity Test (Romo, Alfonso and Sánchez-Ruiz, 2008); The students' knowledge questionnaire, which was prepared on an ad hoc basis, and the academic notes of the first quarter. The tools used in this research for the postest are: the questionnaire of evaluation of the didactic unit / project by the families that consists of ten questions related to the didactic unit of the textbook or to the project of multiple intelligences put into practice and the questionnaire of valuation of the work carried out in the classroom on the multiple intelligences. In addition, the questionnaire of multiple intelligences for parents, the inventory of multiple intelligences for teachers, the TCI (Infant Creativity Test) and the knowledge questionnaire for students are re-passed. Finally, the grades of the academic notes of the second and third trimesters are collected. After performing the data analysis the following results have been obtained: students who have followed the didactic unit through the methodology for multiple intelligences projects have improved their creative abilities and their knowledge about the unit more than those who follow the development of the didactic unit through traditional programming. Another aspect to emphasize is that the families of the students who have followed the didactic unit through the methodology by projects of multiple intelligences are more involved and more satisfied with the learning and the activities developed in the school than those families of students who have followed a methodology through traditional programming. In short, an education based on the existence of multiple intelligences is more effective than one that only focuses on the development of linguistics and logical- mathematics.