Cuantificación de la radiación de la estructura en sistemas caja cerrada mediante elementos finitos

  1. Segura Alcaraz, J.
  2. Gadea Borrell, J. M.
  3. Francés Monllor, J.
  4. Carbajo SanMartín, J.
  5. Ramis Soriano, J.
Tecniacústica 2008: conferencias y comunicaciones de Acústica 2008. V Congreso Ibérico de Acústica y Tecniacustica 2008; 39.º Congreso Español de Acústica. Coímbra, Portugal. octubre, 2008

Éditorial: Sociedad Española de Acústica

Année de publication: 2008

Congreso: Congreso Español de Acústica (39. 2008. Coimbra)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


The difficulty on the design of radiant systems, such as the closed box system, is commonly studied from its low frequency equivalent circuit. It is an iterative process, where experience is of vital importance. The initial point doesn’t take into account the enclosure radiation contribution, althoughthere is well known the fact that box walls vibrate, contributing to the system frequency response mainly in the low frequency range. The object of the present work is to realize a contribution to the quantification of the vibrational behavior of the walls of two prototypes of loudspeakers mounted in closed box, made with different materials. Using the finite elements method a numerical model of a system loudspeaker - box has been implemented. The numerical model has been calibrated from the experimental results obtained on a real model by means of modal analysis, vibration and pressure measures. The conclusion is that the sonorous response of the system is affected by the vibrational modes of the box.