De storytelling a storyliving. Tecnología para crear productos virtuales de periodismo inmersivo

  1. Kamila Nugaeva 1
  2. Enric Mira-Pastor 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Alicante, España
Revista Inclusiones: Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales

ISSN: 0719-4706

Ano de publicación: 2021

Título do exemplar: Comunicación Actual, Ámbitos y Nuevas Tendencias

Volume: 8

Número: 8

Páxinas: 21-38

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista Inclusiones: Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales


This paper explores the main aspects of immersive journalism, analyzes a series of 360-degree videos published in the media, reveals their advantages and disadvantages, gives a history of the development of virtual and augmented reality technologies, as well as the prospects of the media in view of their growing popularity. The conclusions are as follows: the growth that is observed today in the field of media, with the advent of the new spherical video format, is actually a continuation of the development of virtual reality technology, which began in the middle of the XX century; there is a continuity of classical methods of cinema in the virtual reality format; 360° vision gives a greater potential for expressiveness and immersion in comparison with analog media. The main finding is the idea that creating an independent spherical frame has its own visual meaning and does not need verbal support. Taking into account the development of cinema, the self-sufficiency of 360-degree video as a means of expression is confirmed, as well as the emergence of a new cinematic language with great audio-visual capabilities