Understanding quality perceptions in higher educationa sistematic review of quality variables and factors for learner centric curricula design

  1. Varouchas, Emmanouil
Dirigida por:
  1. Miguel Ángel Sicilia Urbán Director/a
  2. Salvador Sánchez Alonso Codirector/a

Universidad de defensa: Universidad de Alcalá

Fecha de defensa: 15 de mayo de 2019

  1. Daniela Linda Presidente/a
  2. María Elena García Barriocanal Secretario/a
  3. Antonio Jimeno Morenilla Vocal

Tipo: Tesis

Teseo: 149779 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


The provision of high quality undergraduate and postgraduate programs worldwide requires a holistic, deep understanding of variables and factors that contribute to the value perceptions of students, faculty and administrators. In the literature related to quality assessment there is a critical gap in research works related to the convergence of students and administrators¿ perceptions. This study involves in-depth literature review analysis of variables related to quality in higher education which includes the presentation of a 3-tier initial research model for the methodological framework of quality integration in higher education. This research also intends to provide a holistic discussion on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to quality in higher education using two research tools. The first one is related to a structured agenda for a qualitative interview targeted at higher education administrators. The second is related to a quantitative research model that analyzes the relations of various quality factors. Finally, a last round of qualitative interviews with higher education administrators and professors is used as a promising vehicle for advancing towards the formulation of KPIs based on their understanding of the different independent dimensions of the quality construct. The KPIs outcome provide valuable insights into improving teaching, learning assessment and eventually lead to sustainable curricula. Research findings outline the significance of time invested for designing and updating a course, indicate that technology enhanced learning solutions are perceived as key quality drivers, and point out the need to align courses with industry requirements and real-world problems. Additionally, findings indicate that the quality and impact of teaching and learning is promoted by the multi/inter disciplinary character of a course, the engagement of students in interactive discussions and student research as part of summative assessment. The main contribution of this research is an analytic discussion of perceptions of higher education administrators and professors about quality, leading to significant enrichment of the relevant literature. A set of innovative generic KPIs that can be used in multidimensional quality assessment in higher education is eventually proposed