Direct reductive amination of aldehydes using lithium-arene(cat.) as reducing system. A simple one-pot procedure for the synthesis of secondary amines

  1. Nador, F.
  2. Moglie, Y.
  3. Ciolino, A.
  4. Pierini, A.
  5. Dorn, V.
  6. Yus, M.
  7. Alonso, F.
  8. Radivoy, G.
Tetrahedron Letters

ISSN: 1873-3581 0040-4039

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 53

Issue: 25

Pages: 3156-3160

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.TETLET.2012.04.054 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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