New insights into the role of active copper species in CuO/Cryptomelane catalysts for the CO-PROX reaction

  1. Davó-Quiñonero, A.
  2. Such-Basáñez, I.
  3. Juan-Juan, J.
  4. Lozano-Castelló, D.
  5. Stelmachowski, P.
  6. Grzybek, G.
  7. Kotarba, A.
  8. Bueno-López, A.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental

ISSN: 0926-3373

Argitalpen urtea: 2020

Alea: 267

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1016/J.APCATB.2019.118372 GOOGLE SCHOLAR