Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea by 2010. A contribution to the application of European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part I. Spatial distribution
- Zenetos, A.
- Gofas, S.
- Verlaque, M.
- Çinar, M.E.
- García Raso, J.G.
- Bianchi, C.N.
- Morri, C.
- Azzurro, E.
- Bilecenoglu, M.
- Froglia, C.
- Siokou, I.
- Violanti, D.
- Sfriso, A.
- San Martín, G.
- Giangrande, A.
- Kataǧan, T.
- Ballesteros, E.
- Ramos-Esplá, A.
- Mastrototaro, F.
- Ocaña, O.
- Zingone, A.
- Gambi, M.C.
- Streftaris, N.
ISSN: 1791-6763, 1108-393X
Year of publication: 2010
Volume: 11
Issue: 2
Pages: 381-493
Type: Review