Preconceptos y enseñanza de la escritura y la lectura en la formación inicial de los estudiantes de Magisterio

  1. Díez Mediavilla, Antonio
  2. Güemes Suárez, Luis
  3. Molina Molina, María
Investigaciones Sobre Lectura

ISSN: 2340-8685

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Investigaciones Sobre Lectura

Issue: 9

Pages: 105-120

Type: Article

DOI: 10.37132/ISL.V0I9.235 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Investigaciones Sobre Lectura


One of the fundamentals of teaching is to know what knowledge or beliefs operate the strategies you want to teach. Therefore, the ability to implement adequate activities for the effective teaching of reading-writing skills is presented as one of the most relevant aspects of initial teacher education. The new perspectives contributed by the critics during the last years push us to propose didactic behavior guidelines of a clearly renovating character in what refers to the theoretical consideration and to the strategies of didactic action related to the learning of reading and writing. Knowing the preconceptions on which the new didactic performance models are to operate is a particularly useful requirement when planning the training of new teachers. To this purpose, a group of 345 third-year students of Magisterio in the specialty of Primary Education has been selected, to whom they have passed a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 4 points of response (totally agree, agree, disagree, totally disagree) about different areas related to the teaching and development of reading and writing skills that will allow us to know those beliefs or preconceptions that constitute the operational magma on which it would be necessary to determine which aspects should be redirected or completed for the adequate didactic training of the future teachers.

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