La competencia lectoraUna aproximación teórica y práctica para su evaluación en el aula

  1. Díez Mediavilla, Antonio
  2. Clemente Egío, Vicente
Investigaciones Sobre Lectura

ISSN: 2340-8685

Año de publicación: 2017

Título del ejemplar: Investigaciones Sobre Lectura

Número: 7

Páginas: 22-35

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.37132/ISL.V0I7.178 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Otras publicaciones en: Investigaciones Sobre Lectura

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


The current investigation shows, in the first place, an analysis and theoretical approach for the concept of Reading competence. This reserach works as a basis to justify that PISA (creator of this concept) doesn’t evaluate what it says to evaluate. So, we propose a new model of evaluation to assess the level of Reading comprehension, getting closer to the concept of Reading competence than Pisa has traditionally done. This research has been carried out with the participation of up to 7 classes of 4ºESO, the realization of two tests- the before mentioned one and a second one corresponding to an excerpt of a PISA test- and the later analysis and statistical comparison between them to find differences (if any) that confirm our statements and theoretical principles. For this purpose, test T has been used for related samples. The statistical analysis let us check that the new Reading approach proposed in the new model of evaluation, through which we intend to approach the concept of Reading competence, hadas a main consequence a better performance of the students in the realization of this test; in comparison with the PISA excerpt that was used. This better efficiency in the carrying out, by the students participating, of the new test, include many investigative implications towards the understanding of different concepts related to Reading that, in many occasions, are easily confused, as well as implications of a practical nature, providing many orientations towards educational interventions in the Reading skill area.

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