Desarrollo del Máster y Doctorado oficial de Enfermería en España

  1. Zabalegui Yárnoz, Adelaida
  2. Maciá Soler, Loreto

Publisher: Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions ; Universitat Jaume I

ISBN: 978-84-8021-790-3

Year of publication: 2010

Type: Book


In this work there are collected more than two decades of effort made by the Spanish nursing collective to make the nursing formation an adapted formation to the highest standards of international quality. A long path of constant work, plenty of difficulties in which the authors played an important role; an example of will and overcoming, with an optimistic end that opens a new stage of consolidation of new professionals, teachers and researchers that, without any doubt, will place Spanish nursing in a highlithed position in the international area.