Satisfacción de los maestros de Educación Primaria con un entorno e-learning para la adquisición de metodologías docentes que impulsen el aprendizaje de la lectura

  1. Teresa Pozo-Rico 1
  2. Juan Luis Castejón 1
  3. Raquel Gilar-Corbí 1
  1. 1 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España


Lectura y dificultades lectoras en el siglo XXI
  1. Antonio Díez Mediavilla (coord.)
  2. Raúl Gutiérrez Fresneda (coord.)

Publisher: Ediciones Octaedro

ISBN: 978-84-18348-54-9

Year of publication: 2020

Pages: 163-176

Type: Book chapter


This paper shows the teachers’ satisfaction grade regarding to an e-learning system created in order to achieve the teachers’ acquisition of methodologies that allow designing rich classroom contexts based on peer learning and positive emotions to benefit literacy acquisition and reading and writing abilities in Primary Education students. The overall objective of this work is to study the rates of teacher satisfaction with the training acquired based on the transfer of the methodologies studied to the real challenges that teachers have in classrooms related to learning literacy acquisition and reading and writing abilities in Primary Education students. In the same way, satisfaction with the acquisition of knowledge of the active methodologies studied has been evaluated, as well as their effectiveness in obtaining good results over time. In conclusion, the results show a good satisfaction of the participating teachers, as well as a positive perception of the transfer of the content worked to the classrooms and aimed at solving the real challenges related to facing literacy acquisition and reading and writing abilities at this educational stage. Future lines of research are based on improving the teacher training offer for the acquisition of key teaching methodologies and conveyed with the new successful educational paradigms with the aim of achieving high-impact results in the acquisition of this key competence for the development of Primary Education students. Therefore, the long-term objectives are to achieve quality and innovation in this educational stage, as well as to address the specific educational needs that students present in this area. To this end, a reading and writing abilities are worked as key to the full formation of the student body and is intrinsically related to other fundamental competences such as autonomy and personal initiative and the ability to learn to learn throughout life.