Un binomio inseparablecomprensión lectora y rendimiento académico
Universitat d'Alacant
- Antonio Díez Mediavilla (coord.)
- Raúl Gutiérrez Fresneda (coord.)
Publisher: Octaedro
ISBN: 978-84-18348-54-9
Year of publication: 2020
Pages: 150-162
Type: Book chapter
Spain is not very well placed in the different international tests that are carried out in terms of reading comprehension, obtaining low results compared to other participating countries. Comprehensive reading is present in the different subjects of the curriculum, hence the importance of knowing the level of reading comprehension of students and assessing its direct impact on other variables, among which is academic performance, to propose whether improvement plans are needed in this regard in schools. The objectives of this work are to establish the level of reading comprehension of the participants; establish whether there is a relationship between reading comprehension and academic performance and; find out if the course introduces differences in relation to reading comprehension. The participants are a total of 95 students, boys (38.9%) and girls (61.1%) students of 6th of Primary Education and the different courses of Secondary Education, with ages between 11 and 17 years, with an average age of 13.25. The data are subjected to descriptive and correlational analysis. The results indicate that the majority of the participants obtain an average level of reading comprehension, standing at percentile 50; that there is a relationship between reading comprehension and academic performance; and there are no significant differences are found in relation between the different educational levels, nor between the ages, in relation to reading comprehension.