Concordancias y disonancias entre la regulación interna del despido colectivo y la regulación comunitariaen materia de garantías, ¿se ajusta el art. 51 ET a la Directiva 98/59/ce?
ISSN: 1696-9626
Ano de publicación: 2020
Número: 56
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Revista General de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social
In this work, we attempt to unravel whether the text of art. 51 ET does or does not comply, in terms of guarantees, with the provisions of Directive 98/59/EC. The issue at hand is thus to verify, on the one hand, whether the text of the European regulation on representatives’ information and consultation rights is faithfully reflected in the text of statutory regulations. This latter question requires not only commenting on the legal treatment given by both norms on the matter, but also on whether both agree on the premise for their exercise: the existence of collective redundancy. On the other hand, we also examine whether the less powerful role currently granted to the Labour Authority in these types of lay-offs is sufficient, or whether, on the contrary, it is necessary to return to more forceful administrative intervention, taking into account that this may ultimately result in offering greater guarantees to affected workers.
Referencias bibliográficas
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