El impacto medioambiental del ruido lúdico en el Casco Histórico de Alicante

  1. Antonio Durá Domenech
  2. Jenaro Vera Guarinos 1
  3. Antonio Hernández Prados 1
  4. José Ramón Navarro Vera 1
  1. 1 Universidad Alicante
Sociedad Urbana: Revista de Estudios Urbanos

ISSN: 1135-044X

Argitalpen urtea: 1996

Zenbakia: 3

Orrialdeak: 133-153

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Sociedad Urbana: Revista de Estudios Urbanos


The physical and environmental deterioration that has suffered throughout the time the Old Quarter of Alicante has forced a series of renovations, some at the moment in progress, which can fail if the planned uses for this area are not properly regulated. Nowadays, it's clear for everybody that some parts of the Old Quarter is a kind of ludic reservation, where the residents way of life is drastically altered in the weekends, in comparison with the rest of the days. One of the consequences of this ludic activities is the rise of street noise levels, which can be very important, preventing neighbors' nocturnal res t. Therefore, is important that any decision taken by the local council in order to improve the residents quality of life, or to limit noisy activities, yet authorized at the moment, ought to be consider the results showed in this paper.