Labour segregation and immigrant and native-born wage distributions in Spainan analysis using matched employer–employee data

  1. Simón, Hipólito
  2. Sanromá, Esteban
  3. Ramos, Raúl
Spanish economic review

ISSN: 1435-5469

Año de publicación: 2008

Título del ejemplar: Special Issue on economic aspects of immigration

Volumen: 10

Número: 2

Páginas: 135-168

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.1007/S10108-007-9035-1 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Otras publicaciones en: Spanish economic review

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


This article carries out an empirical examination of the origin of the differences between immigrant and native-born wage structures in the Spanish labour market. Special attention is given in the analysis to the role played by occupational and workplace segregation of immigrants. Legal immigrants from developing countries exhibit lower mean wages and a more compressed wage structure than native-born workers. By contrast, immigrants from developed countries display higher mean wages and a more dispersed wage structure. The main empirical finding is that the disparities in the wage distributions for the native-born and both groups of immigrants are largely explained by their different observed characteristics, with a particularly important influence in this context of workplace and, specially, occupational segregation.

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