Calidad del agua de las fuentes naturales en el municipio de Alcoy (Alicante)

  1. P. Varo Galvañ
  2. M. Rodríguez Pastor
  3. D. Prats Rico
Geotemas (Madrid)

ISSN: 1576-5172

Ano de publicación: 2000

Título do exemplar: V Congreso Geológico de España (Alicante, 10-14 julio 2000)

Número: 1

Páxinas: 183-185

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Geotemas (Madrid)


Alcoy's district is located on a group of montains in the prebetic valenciano. There is a great number of natural water fountains in this district because of the hydrogeologic characteristics in this zone. The use of the water from these fountains is from drinking. It is very interesting to know the water charcteristies that have because the repercussion that it could has on the people health that drink these water. In this study try to establish hydrochemical characterization and a good quality of the water that is in natual fountains. It have been analyzed the most significant physics and chemicals parameters. Finally the quality of the water has been evaluated for drinking. The water studied of Alcoy is bicarbonated calcic, with pld softing basic, and conductivities between 200 y 600 pS/cm.