La figura del empresario en la economía alicantina

  1. Poveda Sánchez, Ángel
Alquibla: Revista de investigación del Bajo Segura

ISSN: 1136-6648

Ano de publicación: 1997

Número: 3

Páxinas: 27-37

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Alquibla: Revista de investigación del Bajo Segura


In this papera niflection about the importance of entrepreneurs in the development of capitalism is made. To do so some historie references and the present economic reality in the province of Alicante are considered. Tbe paper concludes pointing out that the personality of the businesman cannot have jeatures other than entrepreneurial and innovative, being able to take advantages of new technologies available in the market or in embryonic stage by risking bis investments.