Características del conocimiento de los estudiantes para maestro españoles en relación con la fracción, razón y proporción

  1. Ángela Buforn
  2. Salvador Llinares
  3. Ceneida Fernández
Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

ISSN: 1405-6666

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 23

Issue: 76

Pages: 229-251

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista mexicana de investigación educativa


Abstract: This article examines the characteristics of pre-service teachers’ knowledge of sub-constructs implied in proportional reasoning. The participants were 91 students at Universidad de Alicante (Spain), who solved twelve problems related to these sub-constructs. A cluster analysis identified four partially nested profiles, in terms of the way the students solved the problems: 1) Those who solve procedural problems and apply multiplicative thinking (Profile One); 2) Those who solve procedural problems and apply additive thinking (Profile Three); 3) Those who differentiate between proportional and nonproportional situations and consolidate the fractional system (Profile Two); and 4) Those who differentiate between proportional and nonproportional situations and show an understanding of the comparison of ratios (Profile Four). The results provide information for designing professional tasks linked to teaching and learning mathematics for teacher training programs in elementary education.

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