Cerámica y climatización saludablepaneles cerámicos radiantes en edificios. Condiciones de confort y demanda energética frente a sistemas convectivos

  1. Echarri Iribarren, V.
  2. Galiano Garrigós, A. L.
  3. González Avilés, Á. B.
Informes de la construcción

ISSN: 0020-0883

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Ausgabe: 68

Nummer: 544

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.3989/IC.15.160.M15 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen Access editor

Andere Publikationen in: Informes de la construcción


Porcelain stoneware is a widely used building material. In recent years, its range of uses has expanded to encompass a new spectrum of innovative and inventive applications in architecture. In this research, we analysed the patented Thermal Ceramic Panel. This consists of a thin porcelain stoneware panel that incorporates a capillary system of polypropylene tubes measuring 3.5 mm in diameter embedded in a conductive ceramic interface. The system works with hot or cold water, producing healthy heating and cooling by means of radiant surfaces. Following an initial prototype test in which panels were placed on the walls of an office, we conducted simulations at the University of Alicante Museum using wall, ceiling and baffle panels, having previously monitored the state of the building. Thermal behaviour parameters were analysed and compared with those of other standard finishing materials, obtaining results for thermal comfort and energy savings in comparison with all-air systems.

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