La aplicación móvil como estrategia de educomunicación orientada a la eliminación del castigo físico en menores.El caso de Hands up

  1. Ana Rosser-Limiñana
  2. Diana Jareño-Ruíz
  3. Carmen López-Sánchez
Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación: Mediterranean Journal of Communication

ISSN: 1989-872X

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 9

Issue: 2

Pages: 189-202

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/MEDCOM2018.9.2.22 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación: Mediterranean Journal of Communication


Smacking or slapping continue to be socially accepted practices as educational strategies applied to children. However, their use involves risks in children’s psychosocial adjustment that could be avoided by implementing positive discipline strategies. In order to turn parents against the use of physical punishment and equip them with alternative educational tools, it is necessary to develop new instruments for effective communication which engage their attention, are accessible and afford this type of content. This paper presents the implementation process of an application for mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) to eliminate physical punishment in parental education. The app seeks to offer on-line support to parents in their educational tasks, based on the model of positive discipline. The app is based on self-assessment and learning through virtual environments (e-parenting). The conclusion highlights the usefulness of the educommunicative approach to the development of this type of competence and the features required to reach the target audience, to identify possible difficulties and to offer strategies to enhance parental media education in the process of upbringing and education.

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