Propuesta de un sistema de clasificación de entidades basado en perfiles e independiente del dominio
ISSN: 1135-5948
Year of publication: 2017
Issue: 59
Pages: 23-30
Type: Article
More publications in: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural
Named Entity Recognition and Classification (NERC) is a prerequisite to other natural language processing applications. Nevertheless, the adaptation of NERC systems is expensive given that most of them only work appropiately on the domain for which they were created. Bearing this idea in mind, a named entity classification system, which is profile and machine learning based, is evaluated to determine if the results are maintained regardeless of the domain of the training corpus. To that end, it is tested on 6 types of entities from two different domains in Spanish: general and medical. Applying techniques to balance class distribution, the difference in terms of F1 between domains is 0.02 points (F1: 50.36 versus 50.38, respectively). These results support the domain independence of our profile-based system.
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