La gestión de las redes sociales turísticas desde la perspectiva de las relaciones públicas 2.0la importancia del diálogo

  1. Alba María
  2. Concepción Campillo Alhama
Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas

ISSN: 2174-3681

Année de publication: 2018

Titre de la publication: Relaciones Públicas Turísticas

Volumen: 8

Número: 16

Pages: 5-26

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas


With the relational paradigm, public relations 2.0 is the ideal approach for tourism management. In this context, the present research is focused on the analysis of the destination marketing organizations’ (DMO) dialogues on Facebook with its users and, consequently, in the creation and preservation of active publics. In this way, the perspective of public relations and the Situational Theory of the Public is included in the tourism sector. The hypothesis is made that a greater degree of DMO’ responses to the users’ comments contributes to create and preserve active publics and has an impact on the online engagement index. To verify this hypothesis, a series of objectives related to the analysis of the variables: response and online engagement, and their relationship are proposed. The methodology being used is descriptive and combines the literature review with a quantitative content analysis of online engagement and the responses of a representative sample of DMO to their users’ comments for one year. The results reveal that DMO do not take advantage of the relational potential of Facebook to establish and continue a dialogue with its users. It is also observed that DMO focus on positive and neutral comments, disregarding the negative ones. This has a clear negative impact on the management of active publics. Finally, the comparison between DMO’ responses and the online engagement shows that there is a direct correlation between both variables. Although this correlation is not straightforward, it can be concluded that the DMO’ responses to its users’ comments is a key factor for the management of social networks from a perspective of public relations 2.0 oriented to the generation and preservation of active publics, prosumers and / or adprosumers.

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