El ciclo hidrosocial en la ciudad de Torreviejaretos y nuevas tendencias

  1. Ana Arahuetes
  2. Rubén Villar
  3. María Hernández
Revista de Geografía Norte Grande

ISSN: 0718-3402

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Nummer: 65

Seiten: 109-128

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.4067/S0718-34022016000300006 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de Geografía Norte Grande


The Spanish Mediterranean coast has needed to introduce, over the last decade, new sources of water supply in order to meet growing demand. Based on this situation, one of this study's objectives is to demonstrate the characteristics of the hydrosocial cycle in the city of Torrevieja and from this analysis, highlighting the measures that have been taken and have ensured the supply in a context of deficit water intensified by urban sprawl and large agricultural demands. To achieve these objectives the relations between ac-tors, metabolic processes and origin of water resources that form this hydrosocial cycle, from the theoretical perspective of Urban Political Ecology, are analyzed. The use of this methodology shows that the use of non-conventional resources has eased agricultural demand through reclaimed water, but has created new problems by incorporating desalinated water.

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