Algunas claves para el diseño de asignaturas en modalidad semipresencial

  1. Rosana Satorre Cuerda
  2. Patricia Compañ Rosique
  3. Rafael Molina Carmona
  4. Pilar Arques Corrales
  5. Faraón Llorens Largo

ISSN: 1989-1199

Year of publication: 2016

Issue Title: Revista de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria de la Informática

Volume: 9

Issue: 3

Type: Article

More publications in: ReVisión


Nowadays, the new teaching and learning methodologies and the possibilities offered by new technologies allow different models for teaching a subject. Blended learning is an intermediate approach between on site and on line learning. In this method the on site sessions are combined with the independent student work. It is important to highlight that the blending methodology should follow pedagogical principles, so that the activities are designed to take advantage of the strengths of each modality. The aim of this paper is to propose a blended learning design based on the instructional model in which strategies and activities are considered. Specifically, this model is applied to three subjects of the Master in Computer Engineering at the University of Alicante. Two of them were already implemented as on site courses of that master, while the third is newly established. For each subject, the activities have been designed to implement the instructional principles of the model. To validate the methodology, it is essential to know the opinion of students about the methodology in order to get a continuous improvement. For this purpose, a survey has been conducted at the end of the courses. The opinion of students on different aspects of blended learning has been requested. The conclusions after a detailed study of the responses of students are also presented. To help with the comprehension of the findings, a graphical representation using Box and Whiskers graphics is used. This type of diagrams is particularly suitable to represent the issues of the survey, since a Likert scale has been used in this study.