De la "actio" oratoria a la gestualidad medievalel triunfo del dominio "cuerpo" como marco para la expresión poética

  1. Marimón Llorca, Carmen
Revista de Literatura Medieval

ISSN: 1130-3611

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 27

Pages: 147-174

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Literatura Medieval


Rhetoric had, from its earliest formulations, two operations related to the physical component of the construction of discourse: memory and actio. The actio, final phase in the development of speech, deals with the relationships that res and verba, thought and language, have with body experience. The aim of this work is to study the value given to gesture and body movement in the Middle Ages by researching the way these are treated in Castilian medieval texts –XII-XV–, if can be recognized traces of the rhetorical actio or they echo new forms or codes of practice. Despite the insistence of the church in the control of body and gesture, the evidence that is necessary to use them to communicate orally a message will lead to an attempt to ideological regulation. Again, the coexistence of literate and popular will lead to the coexistence, during the Middle Ages, of different communication models and semiotic systems, linguistics –Latin, Romance languages– and non linguistic –rhetorical actio, acting performance–, which, in the case of the Spanish Middle Ages, will end up in the art of clergy of the XIIIth and XIVth centuries.

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