Myopic Loss Aversion under Ambiguity and Gender Effects

  1. Iñigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe Kortajarene
  2. Giovanni Ponti
  3. Josefa Tomás Lucas
Working papers = Documentos de trabajo: Serie AD

Any de publicació: 2013

Número: 5

Tipus: Document de treball


Experimental evidence suggests that the frequency with which individuals get feedback information on their investments has an effect on risk-taking behavior. In particular, when they are given information sufficiently often, they take fewer risks compared with a situation in which they are informed less frequently. In this paper we find that this result still holds when subjects do not know the probabilities of the lotteries they are betting upon. We also detect significant gender effects, in that the frequency with which information is disclosed mostly affects men’s betting behavior, rather than women’s, and that men are much more risk-seeking after experiencing a loss.