Dramaturgos y guionistasRicardo López Aranda y Alfredo Mañas

  1. Juan A. Ríos Carratalá
Don Galán: revista de investigación teatral

ISSN: 2174-713X

Ano de publicación: 2013

Número: 3

Páxinas: 37-41

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Don Galán: revista de investigación teatral


Ricardo López Aranda and Alfredo Mañas are two playwrights belonging to the realist group that, alter promising beginnings, saw their dramatic careers interrupted. The article analyses their first plays and the corresponding film adaptations, which followed opposite paths with a different response on the public’s side. From that experience, both playwrights could continue their creative work. However, their role as scriptwriters and adaptors allowed them to contact with the public. On this side, we can specially mention the adaptations of Benito Pérez Galdós’ novels, being Fortunata y Jacinta the best-known since it has been adapted to the cinema, the television and the theatre.

Referencias bibliográficas

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