Salud y condiciones de trabajo en trabajadores mayores
- Elena Ordaz Castillo
- Elena Ronda-Pérez
ISSN: 0465-546X, 1989-7790
Argitalpen urtea: 2015
Alea: 61
Zenbakia: 240
Orrialdeak: 314-324
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Medicina y seguridad del trabajo
Introduction: In recent years, Spain's population has aged rapidly. Short and middle-term demographic forecasts describe a predominance of older workers in the labor market. Objectives: To identify differences between two age groups (under 55 and aged 55 and over) in the perception of working conditions and health of the Spanish working population. Methodology: The differences between the two age groups were analyzed from work and health indicators belonging to the VII National Survey on Working Conditions, made by the Institute for Safety and Health at Work (VII_ENCT). The analysis consisted of calculating the prevalence and odds ratio raw and adjusted pro sex ratio- with its corresponding confidence interval of 95. Results: The group of younger workers have showed a higher risk in six out of the seven indicators analyzed concerning working conditions (noise, vibration, physical and mental stress, autonomy and motivation). However, older workers have poorer perception of their health status (a OR = 2.06 [1.75 to 2.42]) and they have more health problems than younger workers, although less related to the working conditions. Conclusions: According to the results, workers aged 55 and older report having fewer complaints about their working conditions and even feel more autonomous and motivated. The physical and mental deterioration is the main handicap for these workers when exercising their tasks. It would be advisable to establish policies to promote health within companies to improve health indicators and also to promote active aging in the Spanish working population.
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