Grado de interiorización de los sistemas de gestión medioambientaluna revisión de la literatura

  1. José Francisco Molina Azorín
  2. María Dolores López Gamero
  3. Juan José Tarí Guilló
  4. Jorge Pereira Moliner
Revista de responsabilidad social de la empresa

ISSN: 1888-9638

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Zenbakia: 19

Orrialdeak: 133-148

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de responsabilidad social de la empresa


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the main characteristics of studies that examine the internalization of environmental management standards. These studies were identified through an electronic search in Web of Science, Science Direct, Proquest and Emerald. These works show that firms may have a higher or lesser commitment with the requirements of an environmental management standard, and this issue may suppose different levels of internalization and implementation. Moreover, the findings of these studies show that a higher internalization leads to a better environmental performance.