Historia del turismo en Rusia

  1. Prokopenko, Yulia 1
  2. Mazón, Tomás 2
  1. 1 Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Turísticas de la Universidad de Alicante.
  2. 2 Universitat d'Alacant

    Universitat d'Alacant

    Alicante, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05t8bcz72

Gran Tour

ISSN: 2172-8690

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 9

Pages: 27-44

Type: Article

More publications in: Gran Tour


This article is a revision of history of tourism in Russia. We go back to initial time when people traveled with purpose of search of scientific and geographical information, as it was happed in the Western Europe, as well as health travels and religious pilgrimage.  Then we analyze how was the tourism in the Soviet Union; tourist offices were opened in factories, clubs and in the red army. It was a time when the Bolsheviks politicize the tourism and use it as an ideological tool for their interests. Finally we describe the current period when the tourism in Russia has been changed with a significant development, and now the Russian tourism has the important role in the international tourism and good evaluation for its expense capacity.

Bibliographic References

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