Actitudes hacia la discapacidad en el ámbito educativo a través del SSCI (2000-2011)Análisis temático y bibliométrico

  1. García Fernández, José Manuel
  2. Inglés Saura, Cándido J.
  3. Vicent Juan, María
  4. Gonzálvez Macià, Carolina
  5. Mañas Viejo, Carmen
Electronic journal of research in educational psychology

ISSN: 1696-2095

Year of publication: 2013

Volume: 11

Issue: 29

Pages: 139-166

Type: Article

More publications in: Electronic journal of research in educational psychology

Sustainable development goals


The purpose of this study is to describe the studies about “the attitudes towards disability in education” from the use of a battery of bibliometric indicators that allow monitoring and analysis of international scientific activity.

Bibliographic References

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