El movimiento moderno, el corazón de la ciudad y la urbanística en el centro histórico de Alcoyutopías y concreciones

  1. Ponce Herrero, Gabino
Polígonos: Revista de geografía
  1. Valenzuela Rubio, Manuel (coord.)

ISSN: 1132-1202

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Zenbakien izenburua: Políticas y acciones para la regeneración y la recreación urbanas. Un análisis crítico de experiencias españolas recientes

Zenbakia: 25

Orrialdeak: 239-276

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Polígonos: Revista de geografía


The city of Alcoy, with a long industrial tradition in the area of household textile and stationery, went into crisis in the 1970s as a consequence of industrial restructuring towards new technologies and relocation. The old working-class neighbourhoods of the historical centre collapsed due to serious structural and social problems. The fi rst timid proposals focused on the cataloguing of the most valuable buildings and their passive protection. In the second half of the 1980s, in the context of strategies developed in osme European cities to restore their central areas, the political concordance between the three public administrations involved (state, regional and local) brought about an ambitious programme for the city's comprehnsive renovation (ARA plan with social, functional and morphological objectives) in order to turn it into the capital of the Valencian Community's central regions. The measure package was inspired by the social and functional principles of the Modern Movement and, specifically, by the proposals to restore the hearts of cities. Due to their radicalism compared to conservationist and passive proposals in force, they triggered an important scientific and citizen debate, settled for the benfit of politicians and technicians who promoted the ARA plan. The change of political sign in the cooperatin asministrations and the assumption of the neoliberal paradigm disrupted most proposals, reoriented towards the mere replacement of old housing with new private developments, after a long period of interruption and paralysis which diverted private and public objectives towards other urban development areas. The theoretical and technical realisation process of the first proposals is analysed, together with the paradigm changes, in order to eventually assess the achievements obtained and the empirical knowledge resulting from the long process, to know the possibilities of transferring in to other similar cities.

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