The factor structure of the Spanish version of the Work-Family Culture Scale in a sample of workers from the advertising sector
ISSN: 0214-9915
Year of publication: 2013
Volume: 25
Issue: 2
Pages: 232-237
Type: Article
More publications in: Psicothema
Background: The Work-Family Culture Scale (WFCS) was designed to assess employee perceptions of the extent to which their organizations facilitates a work-family balance. The WFCS comprises three dimensions: Oorganizational time demands, Managerial support and Negative career consequences. Method: The primary purpose of the present study was to analyze the factor structure and reliability of the Spanish version of the Work-Family Culture Scale in a sample of 795 employees (447 females and 348 males) working for twenty-three firms in the Spanish advertising sector. Results: Both EFA and CFA using split-half data sets yielded an 11-item three-factor model (Managerial support, Career consequences and Organizational time demands) that fits the data very well. The findings for structural equation modeling were as follows: ?2(41)= 63.85; CFI= .99; GFI= .97; and RMSEA= .038. Conclusions: Internal consistency for the WFCS factors proved adequate. The results of the analysis indicate that this three-factor model confirms previous exploratory analyses of the original scale.
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