La relación entre el aprendizaje cooperativo
ISSN: 1989-0796
Ano de publicación: 2013
Número: 22
Páxinas: 73-83
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Encuentro: revista de investigación e innovación en la clase de idiomas
Cooperative learning allows students to show what they know and what they are able to do in the teaching-learning process, i.e., it makes obvious the result of their learning. This article shows some of the cooperative activities used in the subject English Language IV in the degree English Studies at the University of Alicante. Those activities have as their main aim that students learn in an active and cooperative way and that they acquire interpersonal competences, in which emotional competences are especially relevant due to their importance in the labor market. A survey was prepared in order to know students� opinions on the methodology used. Positive results were obtained because the majority of the students would recommend this type of learning to other classmates and there are more positive than negative aspects pointed out.
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