Impacto y consecuencias sociales contemporáneas de las políticas de tutela estatal en las reservas indígenas canadienses

  1. Marquina, Alfonso
  2. Ruiz, Raul
  3. Vírchez, Jorge
RIO: Revista Internacional de Organizaciones

ISSN: 1886-4171 2013-570X

Année de publication: 2013

Titre de la publication: Tipos de capitalismo e innovación

Número: 10

Pages: 85-107

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17345/RIO10.85-107 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

D'autres publications dans: RIO: Revista Internacional de Organizaciones


This paper aims to examine the impact and contemporary social consequences of the maintenance of the organizational system known as Indian reserve in Canada. By means of a case study this paper explores how contemporary organizational politics and the institutional structure of the Canadian Indian reserves are giving rise to psychosocial and mental health problems such as drug abuse, depression, parental negligence, domestic violence, etc. Three structural characteristics are identified as inherent problems to the organizational structure within contemporary Canadian native reserves: structural unemployment, dependence on social assistance programs, and community factionalism

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