Historia mediática de la anorexiaLa construcción inicial del problema a finales de los 90

  1. Martín Llaguno, Marta

ISSN: 1697-8293

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: Comunicación y Sociedad: de la Anorexia y Vigorexia

Volume: 8

Issue: 3

Type: Article

More publications in: Icono14


Although eating disorders were a subject of growing interest among the scientific community, media coverage of them was not common in Spain the last century. There are sporadic references to these diseases in press during 90´s, where they are defined as unusual events associated to popular and foreigners characters. In 1999, this discourse changed radically in our country. An explosion of stories on the topic takes place, starting a �newsworthiness cycle� which impels a public and political interest cycle on the subject. This "rare" symptoms are transformed in a real disease of public concern. After media coverage, the Public Administration began to increase funding for prevention programs and different groups were engaged in different actions. Howev-er, the original journalistic framing of anorexia (a "female" problem related to the image world, moved into the political arena with medical connota-tions) stigmatize the disease.

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