Crisis económica y revolución del 68 en Alicante: la configuración de una coyuntura revolucionaria

  1. Gutiérrez Lloret, Rosa Ana
Anales de Historia Contemporánea

ISSN: 0212-6559

Datum der Publikation: 1994

Titel der Ausgabe: Sexenio Revolucionario y el Cantón Murciano (II)

Nummer: 10

Seiten: 495-510

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Anales de Historia Contemporánea


The Spanish revolution in 1868 takes place in a context of crisis in which the break up of Isabelline political system and the economic recession are intertwined. The study of this financial crisis in its double aspect: financial-commercial and subsistence in Alicante allows us to analyse the process of configuration of a revolutionary stuation and of the social group which made the revolution possible.