Procesos de karstificación polifásica en las canteras de Crema Marfil (Pinoso, Alicante)aplicación a la explotación de rocas ornamentales

  1. Cañaveras, Juan Carlos
  2. García del Cura, María Ángeles
  3. Sánchez Moral, Sergio
  4. Muñoz Cervera, M. Concepción
  5. Ordóñez Delgado, Salvador

ISSN: 0213-683X

Argitalpen urtea: 2001

Zenbakia: 31

Orrialdeak: 31-34

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Geogaceta


Complex speleothem networks have been recognised in the quarries of the commercial marble Crema Marfil (Paleogene limestones, Monte Coto Pinoso, Alicante). The characterisation of these speleothems (mineralogy, petrography, stable isotopes) has enable us to discriminate different phases of speleothem formation in terms of paleotemperature or structural control. U/Th dates of some of these phases are 178,7± 15,6 Ka, 34,4+1,7 Ka y 33,7±3,4 Ka. A seismo-tectonic event has been recorded and dated (33-34Ka) by the study of speleothems. The recognition and characterisation of speleothem networks can be considered as a useful tool in the design of exploitation strategies of dimension stones