Delimitación conceptual del grupo religioso en el delito de genocidioun estudio interdisciplinar

  1. Souto Galván, Beatriz
  2. Fernández-Pacheco Estrada, Cristina
Foro. Revista de ciencias jurídicas y sociales

ISSN: 1698-5583

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Zenbakia: 11-12

Orrialdeak: 55-81

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Foro. Revista de ciencias jurídicas y sociales


The crime of genocide is regulated in the Spanish Criminal Code as a series of acts committed with intent to destroy some groups, amongst which religious groups are included. Nonetheless, up until now, this category has not been sufficiently developped neither by international or by national cours. In view of the doubts that have arisen in the interpretation of the provision, it could be considered to resort to the extensive experience of doctrine and jurisprudence falling in areas outside criminal law. In this context, the objective of this paper is to determine if the main conclusions reached may indeed be of use in clarifying the concept of the religious group as a victim of the crime of genocide