Impacto del tráfico rodado en el E N. del Carrascal de la Font Roja¿Cómo influyen las características de la carretera en los atropellos de vertebrados?
- Rico-Guzmán, Encarnación
- Cantó, José Luis
- Terrones Contreras, Beatriz
- Bonet Jornet, Andreu
ISSN: 1137-8700
Ano de publicación: 2011
Título do exemplar: IX Jornadas de la SECEM Bilbao 2009
Volume: 23
Número: 1
Páxinas: 113-123
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Galemys: Boletín informativo de la Sociedad Española para la conservación y estudio de los mamíferos
The effect of the road CV-797 on the vertebrate community of Carrascal de la Font Roja Natural Park (north of Alicante) during the period 2000-2008 was studied, analysing environmental variables associated with the road and its surroundings, and their relation with the registered roadkills through a multivariate analysis. The distribution of total roadkills is centred on watercourses and four black spots with different composition, which don't differ much compared to the three found for mammals. The worst affected group are reptiles, while mammal casualties are scarce. Although relationships with environmental variables are species-specific, reptile casualties are associated with areas that are more exposed to solar radiation. Among the birds, the clearest relation is the one between the common sparrow (Passer domesticus) and urban areas, while the rest of the species are roadkilled at their cornmon habitats. Amphibian roadkill is concentrated on two species, thus the relative impact is greater. The small number of mammal casualties does not allow conclusions to be drawn for these species except for the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) where roadkill was associated with open areas and crops. lt is proposed to continue with sampling so as to better understand the factors which influence roadkills.
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