Estudio diacrónico de los usos del sueloinfluencia de las superficies de cambio sobre el paisaje vegetal de la sierra de Santa Pola

  1. Buades Blasco, J.J.
  2. Marco Molina, Juan Antonio
Serie Geográfica

ISSN: 1136-5277

Datum der Publikation: 2011

Titel der Ausgabe: TIG, crecimiento urbano y cambios en la ocupación del suelo

Nummer: 17

Seiten: 109-123

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Serie Geográfica


Land Use changes are, without doubt, the most visible face of the interaction between the forces of nature and secular activity which the human develops on the territory. Analyze this type of interaction allows to establish the patterns of change that have been configured in a certain time frame, the vegetation of an ecosystem. By applying a diachronic study, based on the analysis of the coverage of land use and vegetation, mapped in relation to the categorization, ranking and classifying by levels of detail to map with GIS.