José Ortega y Gasset, 1914vieja y nueva política

  1. Menéndez Alzamora, Manuel
Comunicación y estudios universitarios

ISSN: 1132-127X

Ano de publicación: 1990

Número: 0

Páxinas: 95-138

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Comunicación y estudios universitarios


The Spanish political education league was founded in autumn of 1913. It was founded as an organized political, pedagogical and cultural movement that, apart from the spectrum of the conventional political parties, seeks to take part in spanish society with a renewed proposal of modernization and europeanization. Some months later, in March of 1914, Jose Ortega y Gasset, the spirit of the League, makes his public debut in the Comedia Theatre of Madrid with his conference titled "New and old politics" (Nueva y vieja política). This work intends to analyse the text of this conference, it is inserted in the thought of Ortega in that precise moment, and it revises all the political, cultural and social proposals that have been approached. In order to do this, the diagnosis elaborated by Ortega of the Spain of 1914 is investigated, related to the project of "healing" and to the social protagonists that are to urge this project in the task of renewing the country. This work concludes with an analysis of his speech as seen by the Madrid press of that period, and with a valuation of what the Spanish political education league means today as an agglutinative seed of the, at that moment, emerging 1914 Generation.