Prospectiva y cultura de la innovación

  1. Bas Amorós, Enric
  2. Guilló López, Mario
Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía

ISSN: 0213-3865

Year of publication: 2011

Issue Title: Prospectiva y construcción del futuro

Issue: 76

Pages: 18-37

Type: Article

More publications in: Ekonomiaz: Revista vasca de economía


Forecasting is a tool for social transformation that differs from other types of prediction due to its emancipated character (the future isn't predetermined and it's an open space that can be built on) and proactive (it can be built at convenience: the action as innovation). Here it's about trying to differentiate the forecast vision, linking it with strategic change management and integrating it as an axis support of a collection of 7 points which have been put forward as requirements in order to develop an Innovation Culture (that substitutes the traditional approach of "Innovation Management" in organizations and/or in communities. Finally, in light of previous experience, different regional, national and international programs of investigation, development and innovation and cooperation to development, a series of reflections have been drawn up around the transformation capacity of the Forecast (that is summarized in a Decalogue) claiming the appropriation as a more adequate formula than the mere adaptation to change, when reaching a desired future.

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