Un Perfil UML 2.0 para el modelado de planes del entrenamiento deportivo

  1. Pereira, Anelis
  2. Soler Cárdenas, Emilio Delfín
  3. Pereira, Lázaro
  4. Trujillo Mondéjar, Juan
  5. Enríquez, Yanocci
Avanzada Científica

ISSN: 1029-3450

Année de publication: 2011

Volumen: 14

Número: 1

Pages: 23-34

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Avanzada Científica


The sports training plans are of vital importance to organize and set the correct preparation for an athlete. Different systems that computerizing the training plans for specific or close sports disciplines have been proposed. However, the development of systems for the training of sports disciplines in general has not received enough attention from software developers. The existent proposals focus on one or very few close sports. To achieve a software product that can be used in a variety of sports disciplines it is necessary the use of software engineering techniques. The general rule of Software Engineering provides different development methodologies, even when for the modeling it uses the Unified Modeling Language standard. However, UML does not adjust easily to specific domains in which a greater level of formality and semantics are required. This research provides a UML profile that uses it is own extension mechanisms for the conceptual modeling of the sports training plans. The profile offers new stereotypes, data types, tagged values and restrictions that allow us to model in a very unique and exact manner the sports training plans. It also presents a prototype developed as a proof of concept that uses the defined UML model; whose purpose is the planning and management of sports training for the track and field divisions. For the analysis, design and implementation of the prototype, RUP (Rational Unified Process) has been used as a software development methodology.